What are the winter blues, and how do I know if I have it?

What are the winter blues, and how do I know if I have it?

This is the time of year that many of us wonder if the upcoming winter will be a mild, or “tough” one — not just in terms of weather conditions, but also, in terms of mental and physical health. Many wonder about something called “the winter...
7 easy steps to find the right psychologist for you

7 easy steps to find the right psychologist for you

7 easy steps to find the right psychologist for you Here are 7 simple steps to find a psychologist We can use these steps to find a specialist. For example, to find a psychologist that specializes in cognitive behavior therapy (or CBT): If you plan to use your health...
Welcome to the “Creating Your Dream Life” blog!

Welcome to the “Creating Your Dream Life” blog!

The decision-making process for the Creating Your Dream Life blog. A while back, I decided to create a blog, with a focus on helping other people to create their dream life. Why? I love to write. Writing makes me feel happy. (More on the importance of taking action,...

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